midlifeupswing.com - Midlife Upswing - Success at Midlife

Description: Success at midlife and other thoughts

career (3618) success (2357) health and fitness (205) midlife crisis (44) midlife transition (5) personal growth and development (2) midlife change (1) midlife success (1) midlife men (1)

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Lazy.  Lagging.  Idle.  Lethargic.  Undisciplined.

I’ve been all five plus any other word you want to use to describe the above.  I have a good excuse in terms of being sick (something I’ll probably cover in the near future) – but I hate making excuses for anything, regardless of how legitimate the excuse may be.

I haven’t looked at my blog in a while.  In fact, I stopped writing.  It looks like the last post was sometime in August – right smack in the middle of when this whole illness went down. So in the next few weeks and months, as we enter into the new year, I’m hoping to get back on track – to get in the writing flow again and to start posting on a consistent, regular basis.