Description: Migraine Headaches associated with the Cycle Greatly Improved in most of the Cases Dr. Lee Has Treated with progesterone cream.

migraine (345) migraine headache (45) migraine headache relief (15) progesterone cream (14) imitrex (2) migraine symptom (1)

Example domain paragraphs

by Elizabeth Smith, M.D. A True Help for Migraine Headaches Associated with Your Period

Taking Natural Progesterone Cream and avoiding xenoestrogens can give migraine headaches relief. Seventy percent of women with migraines experience them during their cycles. Since women make up 75 percent of migraine sufferers, the female hormone estrogen is thought to play a certain role in triggering the migraine headache. Too much estrogen relative to progesterone (estrogen dominance) can lead to the vessels in the brain to dilate. This dilation of vessel in the brain is thought to be related to estrogen

Ranchers also give estrogen to cattle and farmers give estrogen to chicken with the full knowledge that the estrogen will cause the animal to grow and mature faster. The chemical manufacturers and ranchers claim that the estrogen will wash out of the animals system in 3 days. However, estrogen is fat soluble and some scientists feel that it may take as long as a year for the synthetic estrogen to wash out of the animal's system. The European Union claims that giving estrogen to animals and then eating the m

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