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Investigative Journalists, Writers, Authors  Media Coverage Of This Tragic Preventable Story

Charles Haynes 7 year prison term is up in December 2025. Eligible for parole in August 2023. Chuck Haynes lawyer Halaz III with Cordell & Cordell in St. Louis Missouri is fighting for Chuck Haynes to have visits with his 12-year-old daughter Sara in prison and for this child rapist to call and write letters to Sara! PLEASE help us protect Sara Haynes from having to visit and have contact with her child rapist father Charles Haynes in prison!!! Help Support Mikaela's Law now here . Investigative Journalist

Investigative Journalist Megan Fox's straight to the point questions caused several corrupt court professionals to withdraw off this heinous 8-year custody divorce battle in Ripley County Doniphan Missouri court case no. 13RI-CV00554. For the latest actions regarding this case, look it up on Courts.mo.gov and click on the Docket Shett tab here:  https://www.courts.mo.gov/cnet/welcome.do Find out the investigative questions Megan Fox asked and watch her go to bat to get justice for Mikaela Haynes. Megan Fox