Well, Celeste turned three, so I guess we're officially out of the terrible twos. Of course, I keep hearing the threes are not any better. At least it's nice to be able to communicate with her. She's still not that great at washing the Porsche (can't quite reach the top of the car at 3 feet tall), but everything takes time.
Not that my golf clubs were that bad (King Cobra II), but technology has come a long way since I got my clubs using credit card points with American Express. Must've been 12 years ago at least.
Anyway, I stumbled on pinemeadowgolf.com, who make knock offs. Okay, wait, let me back up: After getting my Costco membership (see previous blog entry), I was cruising the aisles for lunch and saw some TaylerMade golf clubs. One thing lead to another and soon I was spending hours on the internet researching clubs. THEN, I stumbled on pinemeadowgolf.com.