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Description: Photos, videos, radio shows, Twitch, commentary

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The June 21 Instrumental Invasion on WCWP was still another one-day recording, done entirely on April 24. I’m not bothering with streak stats anymore. It’s a regular thing now. Pickups were recorded April 26 and 27, with extensive rerecording on May 3.

Let’s get the scoped aircheck out of the way first:

The playlist was created alongside next week’s on April 15 and 16, with a tweak on the 22nd to add a Louis Hayes song. Annotations were written between April 21 and 23, followed by the talk break script draft. I hoped to get next week’s show recorded before Smooth Jazz for Scholars , but that didn’t pan out. The playlist and annotations were reworked to coincide with May 3’s rerecording.