mikescantlebury.blog - SALFORD – My version | It's a yellow tram, like in Salford, but NOT in Salford. Where are you now, Mike?

Description: It's a yellow tram, like in Salford, but NOT in Salford. Where are you now, Mike?

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When it’s only printed in a ‘Collector’s Edition’ !

Yes, I’d be confused too. Let me explain. An excellent organisation called ‘Incredible Edible Salford’ (IES) had a massive ‘Crowdfunder’ campaign in the autumn of 2021. If you know anything about these Crowdfunder conundrums, you’ll know that the campaigners are obliged to offer some incentives, or – as they call them – ‘Rewards’, to people who contribute cash. Fine. The person who put £10 into the pot was offered a packet of seeds. The person who put in £50 got a tour around the planting site, followed by

Enter me, Mike. Since the green and growing area that the funding was for was in Buile Hill park, I offered to write a book based around the site. Since I write only Crime Fiction adventure thrillers, it was going to be one of them. Since the prize had to be special, I agreed to only print out 50 copies of a hardback version of the book – no paperback, – an edition that would be numbered and signed by the author. Yes, unique.

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