- Welcome to Mill Creek Ranch, home of quality Hereford and Angus Cattle! Alma, Kansas

Description: Welcome to Mill Creek Ranch of Alma, Kansas. Mill Creek Ranch is your source for powerful Angus and Hereford Bulls, functional females, semen and embryos. The Brand that Works sale held each February

kansas (1822) cattle (969) angus (524) bulls (374) hereford (347) alma (336) semen (114) females (75) embryos (41) flinthills (3)

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Welcome to Mill Creek Ranch Online!

Thank you for stopping by to visit and learn more about our Angus and Hereford genetics. showcases the bulls and females that are the product of our breeding program. Through artificial insemination (A.I.), embryo transfer (E.T.) and natural matings, you will find progeny from our breeding program that will fit the bill for your herd.