mimbcd-ui.github.io - MIMBCD-UI

Example domain paragraphs

Medical Imaging Multimodality Breast Cancer Diagnosis User Interface ( MIMBCD-UI ) Project involves the collaborative effort of three Portuguese Research Institutions: ISR-Lisboa , ITI and INESC-ID from IST .

The project is being developed by the Associated Laboratory - Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa) . This project proposes the development of a methodology for detection and cancer targeting breast using multimodality medical imaging and textual information. The MIMBCD-UI research is serving both MIDA and BreastScreening works.

MIMBCD-UI Project deals with the use of a recently proposed technique in literature: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) . These deep networks will incorporate information from several different modes: magnetic resonance imaging volumes (MRI), ultrasound images, mammographic images (both views CC and MLO ) and text.

Links to mimbcd-ui.github.io (1)