mimibrian.com - Mimi Brian Vance - Welcome

Description: Mimi Brian Vance is the author of the Words by the Handful series of children's picture books, and promotes the use of American sign language with babies and toddlers.

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pinterest linkedin facebook twitter goodreads facebook circle twitter circle linkedin circle instagram circle goodreads circle pinterest circle Mimi Brian Vance Home Works Contact Welcome Mimi Brian Vance grew up in the rich gumbo of languages and cultures of Louisiana. The heart-warming oral tradition of the bayou country inspired her passion for languages and story-telling. As a U.S. Diplomat for nearly a decade, she constantly used her foreign language skills at posts around the world. But it wasn't unti

She's working on some long-form fiction, more baby sign language works, and tossing around some other ideas to pursue.

A Suess-inspired birthday greeting!