mindfulconvo.com - Mindful Conversations, with Shamash & Calvin • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters

Description: Mindful Conversations is a series of conversations hosted by international bestselling author and mindfulness teacher Shamash Alidina and fellow bestselling author and storytelling expert, Calvin Niles. Together with some of their wisest friends and colleagues, they mindfully explore old and contemporary subjects to help their listeners lead richer and more meaningful lives. Series 1 - Mindfulness, ACT and the Hero's Journey Series 2 - Mindfulness, Wisdom, Compassion and AI

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Log in Sign up EN Mindful Conversations, with Shamash & Calvin By Shamash Alidina & Calvin Niles Mindful Conversations is a series of conversations hosted by international bestselling author and mindfulness teacher Shamash Alidina and fellow bestselling author and storytelling expert, Calvin Niles. Together with some of their wisest friends and colleagues, they mindfully explore old and contemporary subjects to help their listeners lead richer and more meaningful lives. Series 1 - Mindfulness, ACT and the H

Yip emphasizes the power of AI as a tool to support human reasoning and create equitable access to knowledge and opportunities. Discover how her projects aim to bridge the gender gap in technology and encourage more women to participate in blockchain and AI ventures. Education, financial literacy, and networking opportunities are key factors in fostering female-led projects and closing the technological divide.

Delve into the inspiration behind Jedi Labs, drawing from Star Wars' teachings. Jedi Labs' mission is to train individuals in AI, quantum, and other technologies for positive purposes, advocating collaboration over competition and making peace more profitable than war.