As I sit here, the temperature outside is 16 degrees (downright balmy compared to the -30 we had a short time ago) and I am praying that none of my ewes goes into labor until this bitter cold has passed. I always feel as if I should have more time than I do to get caught up on blog posts, newsletters and social media posts, but alas…the farm is about ready to explode with activity once again, and I will be right in the middle of it. I will try my best, however, to fill in the gaps of 2021!
Last Spring we welcomed our lambs as usual…except every single one of them, save one, was a ram. We’ve never had that happen before, and are still quite positive that we could not make it happen again if we tried. Kidding season followed, with some ridiculously cute babies being born from both our Angoras and Cora’s Dairy goats crossed with one of our Angora bucks.
Lots of other babies were born too…bunnies, chicks and ducklings to name a few!