mindreading.show - Anca & Lucca

Example domain paragraphs

Are mind-reading and clairvoyance real? Or is all just an illusion that can be explained? In their theater show Anca & Lucca reveal the secrets of mental magic and leave you speechless and amazed nonetheless. The spectators become part of the newest and unsurpassed illusions of mental magic.

Together, Anca & Lucca not only bring their love for magic to the stage, but also the magic of their own love and the very special story of how they met each other. In their show, the couple continues on their extraordinary path - Anca creates illusions that are unique in the field of mental magic and technically extremely demanding. With her eyes closed, she copies hand movements, guesses birthdays, dream destinations and first names of people she has never met before.

Sind Phänomene wie Gedankenlesen oder Hellsehen wirklich möglich? Oder ist alles nur Illusion und erklärbar? In ihrer Theatershow verraten Anca & Lucca die Geheimnisse der Mentalmagie und hinterlassen doch sprachloses Staunen. Die Zuschauer werden dabei selbst Teil der neuesten, unübertroffenen Illusionen der Mentalmagie.

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