minecraftteacher.net - The Minecraft Teacher

Description: My name is Joel Levin. I was a co-founder of TeacherGaming LLC, the creators of MinecraftEdu, KerbalEdu, and other games games designed for teachers and students. I am also a dad, and a technology...

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Long time no post.

So one day I had this idea to use Minecraft in my class. It worked really, really well. It was transformative for both my students and myself. It was like discovering a new secret power to reach into the minds of kids.

And I couldn’t figure out why no one else was doing the same thing. It turned out a handful of other awesome educators were also using Minecraft back then in 2011. It just took us a while to find each other. And I met even more people who believed in the idea and wanted to be supportive. At first I found myself in a unique position to start bringing groups of people together.

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