Description: In remembrance of those that lost thair lives in the Haiti earthquake of 2010. MINUSTAH MEMORIAL UNITED NATIONS.
un (997) haiti (754) united nations (243) nations unies (6) minustah memorial (1) steve towler (1) alexandra simpson (1) memorial minustah (1) minustah (1) minustah in haiti (1)
En Souvenir Memorial On 12 January 2010 at 4:53 PM, an earthquake of a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale shook the earth under Haiti, leaving death, destruction and suffering in its wake. Le 12 janvier 2010 à 16h53 (heure locale), un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,0 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué Haïti, laissant derrière lui morts, destructions et souffrances. United Nations Haiti. MINUSTAH Memorial UNFSU Larnaca Taxis