miracleegg.com - FREE AquaSmarter Water Purification 'Spaceman-Bottles'...

Description: AquaSmarter Water Purification Ionizing Egg. Help all of us Eliminate the Disposal of Plastic Water Bottles. Make your own Ionized Bottled Water ANYWHERE - directory link request

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ReUse ReDuce ReCycle AquaSmarter, a Global Solution Providing the Best Way to make Clean Healthy Water Anywhere...ReFill your Water Bottle. Makes up to 5-Gallons/day for 1-FULL Year BUY NOW and Receive your FREE REFILLABLE AquaSmarter Bottle Today...

For the Prevention and Control of Bacteria, Cyanobacteria (Diesel Fuel), Algae and Viruses for Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Personal Applications. AquaSmarter Ionizing Capsules are commonly used for Water Purification; Indoor and Outdoor: Swimming Pools, Jacuzzi's, Fountains, Waterfalls; Aquariums; Cold Pasteurization of Milk and Juice Products; Diesel Tanks and more…

The AquaSmarter Ionization technology is straightforward to operate and requires no maintenance. It has been demonstrated that copper and silver ions eliminate Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Coliforms, Pseudomonas and Legionella as well as many other species of Bacteria, Viruses and Germs, including chlorine-resistant varieties. This water disinfection technique can be used in practically all situations where lasting disinfection of bacteria, viruses and algae is required. AquaSmarter Ionization Technology is op

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