missionvalleymuseums.org - Mission Valley Montana Museums - Mission Valley Montana Museums

Description: The nine Mission and Jocko Valley Museums bring to life the rich history of the area. Located along Highway 93 from Arlee to Polson

montana (1911) museums (636) lake county (372) ronan (39) historical sites (32) polson (29) mission valley (23) charlo (6) st.ignatius (3) arlee (1)

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Mission Valley Montana Museums

A Road Trip to Remember

Mission Valley Montana Museums is a group of museums on the Flathead Indian Reservation . It is home to three Indian tribes, the Bitterroot Salish, Upper Pend d’Oreille, and the Kootenai.  The territories of these three tribes covered all of western Montana. They also extended into parts of Idaho, British Columbia and Wyoming. The Hellgate Treaty of 1855 established the Flathead Reservation. Over half a million acres passed out of Tribal ownership during land allotment and homesteading that began in 1904. 

Links to missionvalleymuseums.org (3)