mistnashville.com - MIST Nashville

Description: The Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament of Nashville is a statewide Islamic tournament for high school students. MIST Nashville promotes individuality, righteous companionship, and pride in our Islamic identity among the Muslim youth. Find information regarding registration date, venue and more for MIST Nashville.

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The first Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament was hosted in Houston, Texas(2001) because one young woman felt that the Muslim youth in the United States needed a place where they could promote peace and understanding about their religion, a place that combats “ high school clique culture” , a place for the Muslim youth to learn more about themselves and their faith. That woman believed that place was MIST.

MIST, including MIST Nashville, hosts competitions & workshops and builds righteous companionship between the Muslim youth. Alhamdulilah, MIST is now proudly hosted in 17 regions around the globe .

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