mizter.com - Antistatic strap for cars - STOP static shocks! Stop Static Electricity in your vehicle!

Description: We spend so many hours in our car, it's no wonder we experience fatigue, car sickness and drowsiness...

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The MIZTER antistatic strap eliminates static electricity and static shocks in cars and trucks.

When your car is in motion, the friction of air molecules against the body of the car creates a build-up of static electricity. The vehicle can easily accumulate an electric charge equivalent to several thousand Volts  responsible for the painful electrostatic discharge when exiting your car.

Stop electrostatic shocks now! Used with success all over the world on cars and trucks, the Mizter antistatic strap is proven to be effective in protecting you, your children, your pets and your car by eliminating the harmful effects of static electricity build-up while you drive your car.