mjays.net - mjays.net by Martin Spindler

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Entertain, for a bit, the notion that you are one of the predominant players in today’s technology environment, amassing unheard-of fortunes, selling upmarket – some say luxury – goods on a nice margin, and generally being lauded as one of the best design-driven and customer-focussed organisations around. Also, the technology press and the analysts regularly beat you for having missed the biggest technological shift in recent memory.

The simile should be obvious, and the technological shift we’re talking about is »cloud« 1 . What most of the “analysis” on Apple’s weakness in cloud misses is the notion – and if you’re in any way working in a field that creates stuff, you’ve heard it way too often already, so sorry – that focus is more about saying no than saying yes, that you, your career, your company will be defined more by what you say no to than you agree to, and that excluding things from your option space will open up opportunity t

What we’ve seen in last weeks keynote about the new possibilities in Apple’s ecosystem is exactly that: novel, non-obvious and deeply Apple-y solutions to a problem-space that appeared solved, but unsatisfactorily so.

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