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Messiah’s New Life Tabernacle will be that light on a hill where children and adults love to come, where visitors feel valued and respected, where the down trodden are lifted up, where members esteem each other better than themselves, where all are treated as family, and where truth is spoken in love and always seasoned with grace.

Our success will be measured by how much our neighbors praise our Heavenly Father and His Son for the love Messiah’s New Life Tabernacle has shown them.

“Our primary goal as an assembly is to build the character of Messiah in the hearts and lives of individuals and to be effective witnesses of his love at home and in our communities. Yahshua was perfect in every way. He commanded us to be followers of Him, so this is our aim. The more we become like Yahshua, the more successful we will be in our relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and our Heavenly Father.