Description: SMS Gateway | Mobile payments | Premium SMS MMS Billing / Subscription Services | EMS / HTTP / XML / Ringtone / Logo gateway | IVR billing services - mobile messaging application provider - TrueSenses
sms (56104) services (28332) support (9797) premium (4245) united (2179) technical (1316) satellite (1073) technical support (643) connectivity (402) premium sms (31)
Premium SMS Gateway Provider providing connectivity solutions for: - SMS / MMS / WAP / Premium VAS and Voice Services - Premium SMS connectivity to more than 250 network operators in 72+ countries. - Mobile Internet Billing / Direct Operator Billing in several countries
Various connection protocols supported: HTTP / HTTPS / XML / SMS 2 e-mail / e-mail 2 SMS UCP (EMI) / CIMD2 / SMPP V 3.4
23.05.2023, 16.03 CET, Conn. not SSL (SSL)