- How it works, Mobile HealthCare EHR app for the iPad - electronic charting software - EMR - for primary care, patient portal, SO

Description: Mobile HealthCare EHR is the leading electronic charting and patient health records software for the iPad.  Doctors hand their iPad to the patient and they fill out their entire health history and sign all documents and consent forms.  Then the Doctors use the iPad to record primary care visits, HPI, ROS, exams, radiology, prenatal visits, Labor flow, Postpartum visits and anything you can possibly think a Care Provider would need to record.. Mobile Healthcare is an app for the iPad tabl

health (20933) medical (6728) doctor (4709) ipad (4306) electronic (2882) tablet (1988) records (1825) emr (534) ehr (374) charting (80)

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