- Mobile Input Types

Description: Latest HTML5 mobile input types to help improve the experiance and accessibility of your mobile apps and websites.

html (18732) mobile (13554) html5 (13425) virtual (3055) keyboard (1189) type (608) input (73) jack holmes (4) input type (2) virtual keybords (1)

Example domain paragraphs

One of the easiest, cheapest, fastest and most effective ways of improving your mobile experience is using the right input type. It will save the user dozens of annoying taps and all you need to do is strike a few keys.

It's not going to transform a terrible mobile experience but it could make the difference between a good and awesome one. There are dozens of input types, have a scroll down to discover when you should and shouldn't be using them.

The most common input type, everyone uses it everywhere. But just consider, is the user actually inputting text? If they are great, but if they're not, try to find an input type that better suits whatever they're inputting.

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