- Modern Spearhead – Modern Spearhead Wargaming Rules Official Website.

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Modern Spearhead is based on the highly successful Spearhead game system Arty Conliffe published for World War II. Like Spearhead, Modern Spearhead focuses on the higher level command and control issues rather than the minutiae of individual weapons and vehicles. The basic ‘element’ is a Platoon, not individual tanks or soldiers. This is an operational level game that is designed to recreate the view and challenges from a Brigade, Divisional or even Corps level – The player’s major issues are when to attack

If you have been trying to access the website in the last few days it’s been down as we’ve upgraded the security (to use https) and that required some back-end upgrades that the older version of Joomla didn’t like (so it was erroring). I’ve decided to use this opportunity to migrate over to a new platform (to bring MSH into line with my other websites) and to also move back to using the domain, which was out original one when we first published.…

We are pleased to announce that Modern Spearhead is again back in print. Production is by On Military Matters who expect to have the first copies available for dispatch about the 01 July 2011. OMM will also be attending the “ Historicon ” Convention in the USA on the 07-10 July and plan to have stocks available there. In coming months stocks should hopefully be available through a few other selected retailers such as Caliver Books in the UK.

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