- CCDCP Mojave Max

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Mojave Max is a threatened Desert Tortoise—the fun, passionate mascot of the Mojave Desert ecosystem. He wants everyone to learn how to keep it safe—how to Respect it, Protect it and Enjoy it. To do that, he and his friends have collected many fun resources that will help you get started exploring his world.

We want to encourage development and economic growth in Nevada. We also want people to experience all of the beauty and fun the desert has to offer. But only to the point it doesn’t harm desert creatures like Mojave Max. So let’s learn, explore, shred, and build…To the Max!

Mojave Max is here for the students of CCSD and the youth of Southern Nevada. The desert tortoise and desert ecosystem are fascinating and exciting things to explore and protect for the future enjoyment of the next generation of Nevadans.

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