- Molalla Adult Community Center

Description: The Molalla Adult Community Center has been serving Molalla\'s seniors since 1981.

or (1962) molalla (18) molalla adult community center (2) molalla senior center (2) molalla adult center (2)

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Dear Members,

Happy May to you! What a joyous month May is as we think about May Day celebrations, flowers, Cinco de Mayo, The Kentucky Derby, Mother’s Day celebrations and more! As we celebrate much we are celebrating a team member’s time with us as she slowly exits to a role that she holds in most esteem, that of being a Mom to her amazing boys.

Lis came into our Center and rescued our Nutrition program as a vacancy developed and the program was not only reopening but growing at a rapid rate. As I look back at my own years of employment here, I truly treasure every team member that has given time to this mission. Lis has blessed us all with her gentle spirit, her hospitable nature, and her peaceful presence. We will all miss her greatly, but the thought of her smile and kindness embracing her boys more often brings joy to our hearts.