- MoMA Projects | Ralph Ueltzhoeffer Exhibitions

Description: Ralph Ueltzhoeffer, MoMA PS1 Projects: To receive a name - The list of death people in the context of nine eleven 2001 - 2011.

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In his first solo museum exhibition in the United States, Mannheim-based artist Ralph Ueltzhoeffer (born Germany, 1966) constructs a internet based project on the mechanism of the web 2.0. (2005—2011) Project Textportrait (Identity), — "The phishing Project" and a museological-style installation of biographical elements, and pictures. (Description): In the “Textportraits” images and words are equally used to generate a portrait, understood as the visual representation of an individual or situation. Combinin

Ralph Ueltzhoeffer’s artistic research is dedicated to the relationship of visual and written information in the digital sphere and their relevance for the beliefs one produces from these data. His search for new forms synchronizing visual and written information reacts and reflects on the internet as an open and central source of information in times of globalization and digitalization of data. In the synopses of visible and readable information he engenders visuals which require new perceptional approache

1770 days Internet Art Project “TEXTPORTRAIT“ On August 22nd, 2006 the first and to this day only art project started which exclusively deals with the worldwide global networking, the internet and the therewith connected medial elements. Visual Display Text portrait as visual display is inseparably assembled out of text (internet) and photos and is therewith bound to a readable portrait. The typeface white on black relates to the DOS input mode (visually). That way, in 2002 one of the first text portraits w

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