- MOMO-ACTIVE | Animal Health Solutions

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In the world today our animals are exposed to high stress for many reasons, this has a weakening effect on their health. Such stress can, among others, be provoked by; high performance requirements, environmental factors, inappropriate animal husbandry, lack of exercise, frequent drug administration, fungi and bacteria in food and transportation stress especially in competition horses – amongst others these factors weaken the body’s defenses and strain the overall health.

Besides the minerals sodium chloride, magnesium oxide and algal lime MOMO-ACTIVE® contains a particularly high concentration of the binder material bentonite montmorillonite. This is compound aluminum silicate, which is characterized by a particularly fine stratification and an extremely high comminution degree. The numerous layers build an infinite molecular surface area and can therefore bind water, pollutants, toxin molecules and free radicals between the layers. As bentonite montmorillonite is a mineral

In addition, long time established herbal mixtures of both, domestic plants and Indian herbs that are combined in accordance with the principles of ayurvedic medicine to support the now detoxified body in balancing health and restoring performance.