- Abbas Monfared | Front-end Developer | UI Designer

Description: The Protfolio Of Abbas Monfared, Front-End Developer, UI Designer

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About What i do Portfolio Contact Abbas Monfared I'm a Front End Developer and UI Designer based in Toronto. I have a passion for creating clean, beautiful, interactive, responsive and user-friendly UI, developed by modular, scalable and functional code. My freelance work began in 2009, ever since I've been keeping up with the cutting-edge web technologies, aiming to produce a work that I can be proud of.

I LOVE JavaScript and CSS3 which along with some other cool acronyms! give me super powers to develop any front-end, each one more advanced than the other one

I’m a fan of flat design, I use colors, icons, big backgrounds and typography to craft a beautiful, minimal and user-friendly user interface which work perfectly for any device