Description: Monkeytest
website (32697) seo (22946) testing (2459) automatic (612) bugs (379) automated (329)
Our well trained monkeys visit your website and pick it apart, looking for bugs (it's what they eat). Practically speaking, this means that they'll click every element on your page and look for any errors popping up. They also notice if there's any broken links, JavaScript issues, missing images, or other commonly missed mistakes.
Easily set up a scheduled test of your website and get notified if any bugs crop up. This is the perfect option if you don't have a continuous integration system, but love the idea of automation. Set up in less than 2 minutes, including registration time.
Monkey Test It has a very simple API that integrates painlessly with any of the major continuous integration and deployment system. Tested with Jenkins, Bamboo, Travis, Codeship, and Drone. Behind a firewall? No problem, contact us for more details.