Description: Joe Sharman 'Mr Snowdrop' supplier of a mix of new varieties, or old resurrected plant varieties that are rarely found for sale in plant catalogues.
rare (821) plant nursery (137) garden nursery (22) your garden (4) mr snowdrop galanthus primula joe sharman eranthis ranunculus fi (3) you garden (3) nursery plant nursery (3) snowdrops galanthus (3) garden and plant (3) snowdrop flower (3)
We offer a collection which is a mix of new varieties, or old resurrected plant varieties that are rarely found for sale in catalogues. We hope that you will find something that you may not have seen before or that you thought wasn't available to buy anymore.
For articles and broadcasts featuring Joe Sharman and Monksilver Nursery, check out the following:
J oe Sharman, the ‘King of Snowdrops’, and the tale of the most expensive snowdrop ever sold (Country Life 2021) His French Ladies Series' of celandines had a six page feature in the February 2020 issue of Gardens Illustrated. Welcome to Galanthomania (The Spectator, 2015) How does your Garden Grow: The Snowdrop Collector (Guardian, 2015) How the Primrose can adapt to suit Every Taste and Garden (Telegraph, 2015)