- Monties Dried Tart Cherries by Payson Fruit Growers - Home

Description: Monties Dried Tart Cherries are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory qualities to help you sleep, relieve sore muscles, and keep your heart healthy.

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TART FOR YOUR... Hero_3.jpeg What's a Monty? For over 60 years, Payson Fruit Growers have grown Montmorency tart cherries, or Monties as we like to call them. Why Monties? They’re delicious, but also contain nutrients — like melatonin and antioxidants (quercetin and anthocyanins) — linked to better sleep, muscle and joint pain relief, and heart health.

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Monties are one of just a few natural sources of the hormone melatonin, which may help you regulate your sleep cycle and rest better.