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Description: Moonshine Lunch Run Was a motorcycle event that was located in Moonshine, IL, population 2. The event started in 2004 and the last year it was held was 2018. The Moonshine store has been featured on Good Morning America. Motorcyclist from all over the continent come to enjoy the company of other motorcyclist and a Moonburger.

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As an annual, organized event, the Moonshine Lunch Run is in the history books. April 14, 2018 was the final installment. Moonshine lived and grew over 14 years, cementing its unique spot in the souls of long‐distance riders from across America, Canada and some foreign countries, too. During those 14 years, all of us grew older. Some of us passed. The world moved a little farther down the road.

So rewind for a moment to 2004. You'll recall that's when Terry Hammond, our motorcycle‐riding farmer friend, founded the Moonshine Lunch Run. Back then, Terry invited riders to make the run to the Moonshine Store to join him for a Moonburger, in early April. Why then‐and why way out here? Because he wanted to meet riders before the start of farming season. A few riders found their way to Moonshine that first time. In t

If you asked the people who rode a long distance on a motorcycle to Moonshine why they rode hundreds or thousands of miles to the middle of nowhere, that time of year, through crazy weather and all manner of hazards, their first response might be, "To eat a hamburger." But talk with them a bit longer and you'd soon realize it wasn’t really burgers that made this annual gathering exceptional. It was time spent with the other riders who made the same effort and overc