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The online bookshop Morebooks! features more than 2,500,000 titles in different languages. We are specialized in academic books and we provide the most hassle-free shopping experience. Have a look at our comprehensive offer of books of all categories and order simply and fast!

This book presents the development and evaluation of an integrated heat, air and moisture simulation environment for modeling and simulating dynamic heat, air and moisture processes in buildings and systems. All models are implemented in the computational software package MatLab with the use of SimuLink and Comsol. More than 25 different heat, air and moisture related models are included in this wo ... more

A ce jour, la mort reste un sujet "tabou" de la société, Accompagner des patient lors de cette étape de la vie reste une épreuve pour le soignant qui lui est propre, il va la vivre de différente façon selon son propre rapport envers celle-çi puisqu''il y a un vécu antérieur, une histoire qui reste propre à chacun. Ce livre aborde donc prioritairement la place des émotions du soignant lors du ... more

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