- Morgan Kan

Example domain paragraphs

Those that knew me a few years ago would be understandably surprised if/when they heard I was planning on attempting the 2022 Dublin Marathon. Heck, if you had told me from that timeframe I wouldn't have believed you. I was, frankly, an overweight and increasingly unfit person as I was barreling through my mid thirties. I was (and still am) an enjoyer of good food and craft beer, and it will be unsurprising that when paired with a pretty sedentary lifestyle, there's a bit of an inevitable trajectory implied

So what changed? Well a few things happened. I was definitely aware of the overall trend for quite some time but it took a long time for me to get off my ass and do something about it. Part of the impetus for this was that my fitness had dropped enough that I couldn't keep up with my fellow (ice) hockey teammates. So in September of 2019 I began my running journey. And now, just over three years later, I ran my first marathon.

At the risk of being a bit self-absorbed, I thought it might be mildly interesting to some people on how I managed it. So read on if that would interest you!