- Machine Learning Consulting | Mosaic Data Science

Description: Mosaic is a premier machine learning and AI consulting firm, designing and deploying custom predictive and prescriptive analytics solutions.

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Tools Customers Meet Mosaic MDS Canada News Sustainability Statement Mosaic Brands Employment  Contact Engagement Models Data Science Capability Development AI & ML Project Support Rent a Data Scientist™ Reliable Model Deployment AWS ML & AI Services Industries Served Professional & Financial Services Retail CPG Manufacturing Pharma & BioTech Oil and Gas Utilities Transportation & Logisitics Aviation Healthcare & HealthTech  AI/ML Resources White Papers Blogs Case Studies Mosaic Labs Scheduling Optimization

A global pharma company was tired of seeing poor therapeutic trials using forecasts from a brittle analytics system. Mosaic built interactive dashboards to facilitate trial manager adoption and build confidence in machine learning & artificial intelligence. The tool outperforms pharma industry benchmarks by delivering 33% more accurate forecasts.

A global semiconductor producer had too much data, too many tools, and inefficient processes to manage their inventory. Mosaic helped the firm map their data to desired outcomes, infrastructure, processes and used AI & ML techniques to deliver new intelligent and data-driven inventory policies, helping the manufacturer shave tens of millions on the bottom line while providing a streamlined customer experience.