The Mosonmagyaróvár Modelling Club is the organizer of a model show and competition, that during it’s two decade history grew to an event that is one of Europe’s noted ones. The modellers can enter in various competition categories: AFV, aircraft, diorama, figure, civilian vehicles. In the past 20 years, in average 1800 – 2500 models were displayed in over 60 categories. Thanks to the friendly relationships developed over the years and the optimal geographical location of the city in the heart of the contin
By now it became a joint effort to organize this big show, so many hungarian modelling clubs are collaborating together and helping each other. Judging is done by teams of internationally acknowledged modellers coming from all around the continent. Of course this event is not only about modellers. Residents coming from the nearby places, family of the modellers find here numerous addition programmes and sights that they can select from during the weekend.
22. April, 2023 (Saturday)