- Motion In Gravity Rehab

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Mauricio uses the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® and its Nine Essentials  to help children with special needs improve their ability to move, learn and connect with others, even in the face of their frightening diagnoses and discouraging prognoses. NeuroMovement® is a gentle and direct way of waking up/communicating with the brain and nervous system through deliberate and highly informative touch and movement, creating the proper context for the child’s brain to make new neural connections and begin the

Just when everything else may have produced limited, or no results which in turn only confirms the given prognosis , special needs families discover through this work the often surprising possibilities available to their child, thereby replacing doubt and frustration with newfound confidence.

Recommended reading: “Kids Beyond Limits: The Anat Baniel Method for Awakening the Brain and Transforming the Life of Your Child With Special Needs” , by Anat Baniel

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