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Description: Mounted Shooting Supplies

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Mounted Shooting is the nation’s fastest growing equestrian sport. Competitors wearing two single-action 45 Caliber Guns race against the clock, navigating through a variety of course patterns while shooting at balloon targets.  Each gun is loaded with five Black Power Blanks, making for a colorful and exciting run.  Competitors dress up in the ‘Golden Era’ cowboy clothing.

Scoring is based on the elapsed time the rider completes the pattern run plus time penalties for missed targets and barrels knocked over.  This sport requires the ability to control the horse through challenging turns and speed changes single-handed while cocking, shooting and changing guns with the other hand.

There are a variety of levels of competition for all ages and gender, ranging from novice to the top pro contenders. So you will never feel “Out-Gunned”! Everyone has a chance to win.  Mounted Shooting is a family sport with parents and kids often competing with or sometimes against each other. But most of all, it’s fun and friendly!

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