- Movacar | One Way Rental Cars for 1 € - Movacar

Description: One-way rentals for 1€ from Movacar ✅ Book your one-way rental car now ✅ From city to city for just 1€ per route ✅ Easy & flexible to book and drive ✅ Reach your destination on a budget ✅

rental car (192) 1 euro (14) 1 € (3)

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I would like to be informed by Target Mobility GmbH ("Movacar") about available routes according to the selection I have made through the route alarm to my email address which I have entered above. The consent for the route alarm is revocable at any time (by email to [email protected] or to the contact details given in the imprint and via a link at the end of the email) and is in accordance with Movacar's data protection policy.

The Movacar offers are so-called transfer trips of renowned car rental providers. Background: Car rental companies constantly have to optimally align their fleet with the car rental stations and move the cars from A to B. As a rule, paid driving services are commissioned for the transfer journeys, which is very time-consuming and expensive. With Movacar, you take on a one-way trip with the rental car from A to B and receive your rental car almost for free - for a simple euro!

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