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Description: Movement for the Middle is an organization working for understanding and between American political parties. We fight against bitter partisanship and harmful polarization, promoting the language and values of unity.

working today for a brighter (1566) and better tomorrow (1566)

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Fighting Political Division by Promoting the Language and Values of Unity

Interacting with political opponents with respect is not just a 'nice thing to do'. It's good democracy.  In recent years, our sense of managing conflict with those of another political persuasion has eroded, creating a stifling culture in which many are afraid to talk about politics with others, and when they do, they often deal with negative social consequences. Our organization fights to depolarize the country with courage through outreach to each side, imploring them to change not what they think but, c

Movement for the Middle works for change by promoting the language and values of unity. How do we do that? From the ground up, of course. We are enlisting the brave citizens of our democratic republic to display these values publicly. Armed with members who may stand on one side but can articulate how to understand the opposite side, we show the proof that our people can be united. Through the reach of personal social media accounts, we will display for the country the words and ideas that are needed to dis