- mpls give change | ending street homelessness in Minneapolis |

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The mpls downtown council’s 2025 Plan set a goal to end street homelessness in the City of Minneapolis. It takes a community to help one another. Browse this site and find out how you can lend a hand to those in need.

People of all ages in our community—including young children—experience homelessness every day. Our goal is to help end street homelessness in the City of Minneapolis by the year 2025. To do this, it will take an effort from those who live and work in our community, street outreach workers, public officials, law enforcement and the business community coming together to help those experiencing homelessness.

Help people in our community learn how they can give back to those in need. Download and print one of these flyer, stanchion or A-Frame signs for your property. These signs aim to offer an effective method for giving back, focusing donations through that will go toward helping local outreach organizations provide important services to those experiencing homelessness.

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