- Success in MRCOphth by Professor C.N.Chua BMed Sci, MB BS, MRCP, FRCOphth.

Description: MCQs for MRCOphth, ophthalmology examination in UK, eye examination, brain teasers, picture diagnostic tests

medicine (3344) ophthalmology (421) uk medicine (1) mrcophth (1) uk ophthalmology (1) oxford eye hospital (1) usa ophthalmology (1) moorfields eye hospital (1) radcliffe infirmary (1)

Example domain paragraphs

z Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) Moorfields Eye Hospital World Ophthalmology Congress

Coca (Erythroxylum coca) is a native of the Andes Mountain. Cocaine is its active alkaloid and for centuries, the natives of Peru and Bolivia chew the leaves for its stimulating effects. Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective, is a chronic cocaine user who liked to keep his wits occupied in between cases. Coca-Cola invented by John Pemberton in 1868 contained extracts from coca leaves and was marketed as a stimulant and a remedy for headache. Cocaine was later removed from the drink in 1906. The pupils di

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