- Mothers Against Munchausen by Proxy Allegations - MBPS - MSP

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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16

M.A.M.A. was begun in response to the fast growing number of false allegations of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) . Parents are being accused of making their own children ill. Increasingly, families across America, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are being destroyed by doctors and other professionals who make false and even malicious allegations against desperate mothers of chronically/critically ill children.  

The inventor of this label/diagnosis, Sir Roy Meadow, has now been completely discredited in the UK courts and there is a tremendous public outcry for review of all cases in which he has ever been involved. (For more information see Published Articles ) We believe there should be a review of all cases world-wide in which MSP label has been used.

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