- Ryan's Home On The Net V.4.04

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So tonight I studied with galpal Stacey for an interview that I will be having between Tuesday and Wednesday at work. I am convinced that the job is perfect for me! I have been studying and practicing my skills the past 2 months in preparation for the opportunity to interview, and now it's here. I pray for a great interview!

So it's been a super busy month it it just keeps looking to stay more and more busy! Last night, my friend and I saw John Mayer (and OneRepublic) in Tampa. I have been wanting to see Alicia Keys and John Mayer for some time now, but missed Alicia. Mayer posted the following set list on his site: * Belief * Good Love is On the Way * I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) * Daughters '74 * Crossroads * Slow Dancing in a Burning Room * Free Falling * Mercy * Bigger Than My Body * No Such Thing into Why Georgia

So the football season is almost over, which is sad. The Packers improved by four wins this year, and finished 8-8. At least it's not a LOSING season. The only football left is the Super Bowl and the Pro Bowl. Today I'm going to Colorado for the weekend to celebrate my birthday! This is exciting because I get to see Justin and and my papa! Also, I'm going home in March and in May to keep me from missing it too much. Going home is always fun because there's so much to do there. I would like to spend time in