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We are a non-profit organization that focuses on advocacy among people with disabilities. We are women who utilize wheelchairs for 100% of our daily public mobility. We are advocates for not only ourselves but also for others in our community. 

Each November, new titleholders are chosen to represent the Garden State. Ms. Wheelchair New Jersey (21+) will be responsible for traveling the state during her reign to raise awareness on issues that affect people with disabilities. Each Summer, Ms. Wheelchair New Jersey (21+) will compete for the title of Ms. Wheelchair America. In Summer 2022, the National competition will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Junior Miss Wheelchair New Jersey & Little Miss Wheelchair New Jersey titleholders are active

** Once a titleholders reign is complete, their crown is retired. The sash can be worn after a reign is complete. The retirement of the one's crown should not be viewed as an ending of a chapter but the beginning of the next.