- MTG Cube

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Saving space with efficient dual land cycles and fixing is the order of today's article. Saving space is not something most magic players have had to consider. It is a design element rather specific to the curators of cubes. Put simply there is a inbuilt tension on dual lands and fixing. You want fixing effects so that games are more consistent but they take up valuable cube space. By adding more dual lands your mana bases get better and less games are decided by colour screw which is great. However you als

Firstly when you pick lands they are typically going to replace a free basic land and so picking lands results in you having fewer playable cards to build from. Secondly there are just more dead cards floating around in packs. It is very rare that every colour pair is being played in a draft, or at least not to the degree that is going to mean dual lands are hoovered up for that colour pair (as is usually the case when you have players in four or five colours, they are just cherry picking the odd premium du

In constructed deck building you are looking to max out your dual lands. You do not want to provide this option in cube. I would look to only run a couple of basic lands in a two colour constructed deck if I were blessed with enough sufficiently good dual lands in that format. In cube however, if you could pack that many lands your deck is likely a bit thin and building it didn't come with all that many choices.