- Mueller Report Graphic Novel by Barbara Slate

Description: The Mueller Report in graphic novel form by legendary comics creator Barbara Slate.

election (700) trump (574) presidential (56) obstruction (9) comey (4) mueller report (3) mcgahn (3) russian interference (2) priebus (1) hope hicks (1)

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Size: 7" x 10" Publisher: Richard Minsky Worldwide Distribution: Ingram First combined edition: two volumes in one book black and white, 108 pages Hardcover  ISBN: 978-0-937258-11-8 $29.95 Paperback ISBN: 978-0-937258-12-5 $19.95 Publication date: November 8, 2019 Order now on amazon: Hardcover on Paperback on Or at a local independent bookstore Hardcover at a local bookstore Paperback at a local bookstore Order direct from the publisher The Mueller Report Graphic Novel by Barbara Slat

Marvel and DC comics creator Barbara Slate makes the Mueller Report fast-paced, easy-to-read, and entertaining. It stays true to the facts of the Investigations into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election and into Obstruction of Justice. In one hour of reading The Mueller Report Graphic Novel you will understand how Russians manipulated the 2016 election, how the Trump campaign was connected to the Russians, and how the President tried to obstruct the investigation. Attorney General Barr mad