- Multibooters, Vista Dual and Multibooting - Home Page

Description: Vista has re-written many of the established rules in the areas of multibooting, cloning, moving and deploying a Windows install. Almost none of this was highlighted or adequately documented.

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Multibooters Dual and Multibooting with Vista

  DISCLAIMER:   The information on this site is offered in good faith and no responsibility can be accepted for misuse that leads to loss of data or damaged hardware. There are any number of ways that the slightest mistake in procedure could trash a system. If you have a mission critical OS that you cannot restore, or data that is not fully backed up, then you should not be experimenting with such things. This web site was never intended as a complete how-to guide on the subject of multibooting or cloning.

Vista has re-written many of the established rules in the areas of multibooting, cloning, moving and deploying a Windows install. Almost none of this was highlighted or adequately documented and there is still very little accessible official information to be sourced on the subject. Here you will find some articles covering the main changes from previous Windows versions.