- muMAKE CLINIC │ 妳的美 自然、自信、被看見 | muMAKE CLINIC

Description: 由台大哈佛雙學識陳振坤領軍,與皮膚專科微整醫師團隊攜手,近20年醫美經驗,賦予妳剛剛好的美感。 美沒有特定形狀,美就是日常,美以我們舒心的樣態,自在而綻放! 坐落在鬧中取靜的仁愛路林蔭旁,我們秉持安心,專業與隱私,追求精緻美好,低調不凡,精雕細琢,成就你的美好日常

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Beauty has no specific shape; "beauty" is our daily. "Beauty" is us feeling comfortable, relaxed, and radiant.

Nestled amidst the tranquility of the shaded trees on Ren'ai Road, We uphold peace of mind, professionalism, and privacy, Pursuing refined beauty with understated excellence. With meticulous craftsmanship, we bring out your beautiful daily life.

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